
Any active or emeritus member of the faculty or administration of Alpha Sigma Nu member institutions, either as sole author/editor or co-author/editor, is eligible to submit a book.   An eligible scholarly work (not a textbook) shall qualify in a discipline and category in the current year’s Book Awards.

  • The submitted scholarly work must be published in the three-year period ending with the year prior to the award year.
  • Any member of the faculty or administration, including those with emeritus status, of the Alpha Sigma Nu member institutions, who has published a book in the cycle's categories is welcome to apply.
  • The submitted work must be published in the three-year period ending with the year prior to the award year. For example, entries eligible for the 2017 Book Awards had to have been published between 2014 and 2016.
  • Entries MUST meet the basic requirements of eligibility.
  • Ineligible works include: text books, magazine articles, unpublished monographs, works of fiction, paintings, sculptures, and recordings.
  • Submissions must be published in English.