Sargent Family Scholarship for First Generation College Student Members

The Sargent Family Scholarship is a new scholarship in 2025 to honor the academic performance and scholarship of 10 first-generation students who have been or will be inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu in 2024-2025.
The $1,000 scholarship per selected student member is provided by the Sargent family. Members of the Sargent family are proud Alpha Sigma Nu members who understand the potential of Jesuit education and the impact it can have on students who are the first in their families pursuing a college degree.

Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for the Sargent Family Scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria:
- met/meets the requirement for undergraduate nomination
- is an Alpha Sigma Nu member (or has been accepted for membership and will participate in the induction ceremony) from one of the 27 chapters in the United States
- identifies as a first-generation college student in junior standing (see class standing explanation below)
According to the Alpha Sigma Nu by-laws (section 3.3.2: Requirements for Undergraduate Nomination), students nominated for membership in the Society must have a scholastic rank in the top fifteen (15%) percent of their class, and have distinguished themselves in displaying qualities of loyalty and service. In addition to achieving junior or senior standing, undergraduate transfer students shall have completed not fewer than one and one-half (1-1/2) semesters at a Jesuit institution by the time of their nomination. In addition to achieving junior or senior standing, part-time undergraduate students shall have completed at least one-half (1/2) of their degree program by the time of their nomination.
Class standing is determined by the number of credits earned, not the number of years a student has been in college. Some students may only have been at the university for two years, but enrolled with college credits from high school AP tests or community college courses that qualify them as juniors. The exact number of credits required to be considered a junior varies from college to college.
First-generation college students are typically identified as students whose parents, guardians or other custodial family members have not completed a four-year degree. A number of first-generation students also receive federal Pell grant assistance as their families may have limited financial resources.

Monday, January 6, 2025 to Friday, February 14, 2025: Application open
Friday, February 14, 2025: Application closes at 12:00 PM Noon CST
March: Scholarship applicant interviews
April 2025: Scholarship recipients notified with deadline for acceptance materials
May 1, 2025: Scholarships issued to universities of selected recipients

Scholarship Application
The scholarship application requests the following:
- Demographic information
- Short Essay Prompts
- How have your life circumstances, experiences, and/or challenges shaped your education and career paths? Describe how you have exemplified persistence in pursuing your goals. (200-500 words)
- What is your vision for success and plan for achieving your goals, and how has the Jesuit tradition of discernment shaped this vision and/or plan? How will you make an impact with the degree that you are pursuing at the personal, community, and/or global levels? (200-300 words)
- Attach resume