Alpha Sigma Nu Houston Alumni Club Virtual Event
The Houston AΣN Alumni Club invites you to a Feed Your Mind Session
Breaking Down Walls: Ignatian Pedagogy and the Dis/ability Employment Opportunity Gap
October 16th
12:00-1:00 p.m. (CT)
The virtual event is free and open to all members. Registration is required.
Employment is a pathway for latent and manifest benefits for the greater good for employees. This session,Breaking Do wn Walls: Ignatian Pedagogy and the Dis/ability Employment Opportunity Gap, will highlight how care for the person (cura personalis) calls for action as it relates to the social justice issue of the employment opportunity gap for individuals with a dis/ability. A Jesuit education calls for students to become change agents, everyday heroes, in service for our world.
Click here or Scan the QR code to register.
Speaker: Rebekah Willhite (Gonzaga '22)
Rebekah Willhite earned a Masters in Communication and Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University in May of 2023. She lives in Salem, Oregon with her husband and three dogs. Currently, Rebekah is an adjunct faculty member at Chemeketa Community College and Gonzaga University.
Rebekah’s master's artifact explored dis/ability rights. The project built on her passion for improved employment outcomes for individuals who experience a dis/ability. Gonzaga University honored her work with a Pedagogy of Hope grant to collaboratively create three podcasts.
Learn more about Rebekah here. Visit her website and connect with her on LinkedIn.