Denver Alumni Club Spring Events

Posted in: Alpha Sigma Nu

An Overview:


1. A Talk with Jody Williams, 1997 Nobel Laureate

Regis' Institute for the Common Good and PeaceJam Rocky Mountain work together each year to bring a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to campus. This March the Denver Alumni club arranged for its members to attend Williams' talk, "Protecting Democracy in a Time of Change." Jody Williams travels the world advocating for human rights and has won a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on the international campaign to ban landmines.

“The first line of Regis’ mission statement reads, ‘Regis University educates men and women of all ages and faiths to take leadership roles and make a positive impact in a changing society,’” said Dan Justin, who is the interim director for the Institute on the Common Good. “This is not a vision of who we hope to be, but a statement of who we are. The PeaceJam Conference is a genuine expression of Regis at its most fundamental level. Over the course of the weekend our students grow as leaders and we change the lives of students across Denver.”










2. The Denver Challenge

During the Month of March, ASN Denver Alumni Club challenged each member to 31-days of service. Each member recorded their daily service activities and at the end of the month provided the list to the Service Chair to share their efforts with the National ASN organization.

A Happy Hour Celebration took place at the end of the month to recognize all of the hard work and complete the 31 days with a final service project to collect toiletries to be donated to Shannon’s Hope, a nonprofit that provides housing for homeless pregnant women. 

Here are some examples of how members met the challenge:
1. Contacted an old friend and scheduled lunch
2. Donated grains of rice via
3. Volunteered at a Special Olympics event (6 hours)
4. Let someone know they were valuable and loved
5. Provided support to a friend in need
6. Spent time talking with an older relative
7. Made a donation in the name of a friend
8. Texted someone just to say hi and wish them a great day
9. Volunteered at a shelter for two-hours
10. Made cards with my daughter to hand out to people in recognition of acts of kindness
11. Gave a spouse the night off to rest
12. Was a thoughtful and gracious driver
13. Left a little larger tip than usual
14. Showed forgiveness after learning the truth about something painful 


3. Easter Baskets

ASN club members and student chapter members partnered with other Alumni from Regis University in the making of over 200 Easter Baskets for children of various Catholic grade schools and St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, an event Regis University organizes every year.


Ultimately, the ASN board and club members donated the following items to this event: 
40 boxes of malted mini eggs
12 sand pails and shovels 2 bags of milk chocolate eggs
5 bags of candy bonbons
1 bag of gummy bunnies
135 chocolate Easter bunnies
2 bags of stuffed animals 


4. Feeding the Poor

In collaboration with the ASN Student Chapter, alumni club volunteers assisted at the Denver Rescue Mission this March. During this service opportunity, the volunteers helped prepare food for those the Denver Rescue Mission. The Mission provides food and shelter to many poor and disadvantaged individuals and carries out the message of Pope Francis to “feed the poor”. 








Great job, keep up your wonderful work!