Seelos Grants

Seelos Grants image

We know that our members are campus leaders, and we look to them to be engaged, contributing members of our Chapters.  We have heard from some Chapter leaders about how inspiring and productive the Ignatian-focused leadership conferences are and how students network with other university leaders at these conferences. However, we also know that our universities can only fund a certain number of students to attend.

When a member donor approached us for a funding idea, we knew we wanted to help our student members attend these conferences.  Thanks to funding from the Blessed Francis X. Seelos, C.Ss.R, Fund, Alpha Sigma Nu administers the Seelos Grant, founded to promote Ignatian-inspired student leadership. The Seelos Grants remove financial barriers to student AΣN members who wish to participate in these Ignatian leadership programs. Read more about the application process here.

Specifically, the 2025 grants will fund attendance at the following:

National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference from July 21-26, 2025 at Saint Louis University: Hosted by the Jesuit Association of Student Personnel Administrators, this conference gathers ​student ​leaders ​from ​various ​Jesuit ​schools ​and ​universities ​together ​to ​examine ​current ​student ​issues ​and ​explore ​ways ​to ​address ​them, ​strengthen ​leadership ​skills, ​and ​discover ​how ​to ​better ​serve ​their ​colleges ​and ​universities ​in ​the ​Jesuit ​tradition. ​* This conference requires you to be a part of your school delegation.

Ignatian Justice Summit for College Students Date and location TBA: Hosted by the Ignatian Solidarity Network, the Summit brings together students from Jesuit and other Catholic universities who are passionate about driving change for more socially just local and global communities. The program provides formation in the areas of leadership, social justice, and Ignatian spirituality. 

Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice from November 15-17, 2025 in Arlington, Virginia: Hosted by the Ignatian Solidarity Network, this annual gathering is for members of the Ignatian family, Jesuit Institutions and larger church to come together in the context of social justice and solidarity to learn, reflect, pray, network, and advocate together.

Other: Submit the Seelos application for another Jesuit- and/or Ignatian-sponsored conference or program that deepens and develops your understanding of leadership in the Ignatian tradition and social justice in the world.


Past Seelos Grant Recipients

2024 grant recipients attended the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice (IFTJ) on October 25th-28th, 2024.

ASN students gathered with passionate attendees from across the nation, united by our commitment to faith and justice. This year’s theme, “Steadfast Hope in Precarious Times,” resonated with members, inspiring meaningful conversations and actions for a brighter future.
Grant recipient  Margaret Cotner, presented on “The Inner-City Bus to Emmaus and Imago Dei” inviting participants to explore modern interpretations of the road to Emmaus, fostering hope and understanding for marginalized communities through Ignatian prayer techniques and a call to action.


2023 grant recipients attended Magis 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal in July. Read more about their experiences here.  More funding was available to send students to the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice in Washington, D.C. in October. Read more about their experiences here.


2019 grant recipients attended the Ignatian Justice Summit and the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice.  Amanda Judah (Boston College `19) said of her experience at the Summit:

The Ignatian Justice Summit was a powerful mix of reflection upon theories of activism in the Ignatian tradition and brainstorming for action plans.  I feel well-equipped to bring advocacy events to my chapter of ASN.

2018 recipients attended the Ignatian Family Teach-in For Justice November 3-5, 2018. Pictured are Isabel Wallace-Green from Fordham University, Kathleen Hannick from Seattle University, Lucia Presencio-Ortiz from Loyola Andalucia, and Jordan Henderson from Loyola University Chicago. 

One of the most important lessons I learned during the Teach-In was how to use our institution’s Jesuit values and mission to our advantage while advocating for justice. — Kathleen Hannick

I really enjoyed my time! The breakout sessions were extremely well done and had a really diverse group of offerings.  I went to a Men in MeToo breakout, and two involving climate change/sustainable investing. Specifically for the MeToo one, it was extremely inspiring to see how many high school boys, especially those in all-boy schools, that were willing to speak up and participate in the event. I can bring back what I learned about sustainable investing since that is still an ongoing project at the Loyola campus. — Jordan Henderson

I hope to share ideas of active advocating with my Chapter. While at IFTJ, I was inspired by stories of fellow students who passionately advocate on their campuses for issues that are prevalent in their communities. Whereas my voice as an individual may seem insignificant at times, the conference reminded me that every person can make a difference in both small and large ways, which are equally valuable. I hope to discourage complacency on my campus and challenge myself to actively advocate within my own daily life.   — Isabel Wallce Green