Alpha Sigma Nu is the honor society of Jesuit colleges and universities. Alpha Sigma Nu inducts students at Jesuit institutions of higher education who distinguish themselves in SCHOLARSHIP, LOYALTY, and SERVICE. Induction into Alpha Sigma Nu is one of the highest honors awarded on a Jesuit campus. All new members recite the Alpha Sigma Nu pledge:

As a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, I promise to do everything in my power To carry out the ideals of Scholarship, Loyalty and Service. I promise to be committed to intellectual integrity and the pursuit of wisdom. I promise to be loyal to the moral, social, and religious ideals of my education. I promise to be genuinely committed to the well-being of others and active in serving them. I will do all this in light of the Jesuit concern for the greater honor and glory of God.
Members promise “to do all this in light of the Jesuit concern for the greater glory of God,” pledging to use their intellect, experience, and heart in the service of faith and the promotion of justice. As the mission of Jesuit education has evolved over AΣN’s 100+ years, the pledge’s focus has moved from an internal, campus focus to a wider commitment to caring for local and global communities. The foundation of the AΣN pledge is found in the mission of the Society of Jesus, “a mission rooted in the belief that a new world of justice, love and peace needs educated persons of competence, conscience and compassion….” Today, the Jesuits look to members to be collaborators, because of a renewed theological vision of mutuality and partnership with the people of God.
Today, there are over 90,000 Alpha Sigma Nu members across the world. Once inducted, we are members for life. Our members NETWORK through Alumni Clubs and our online Member Directory and use our website to stay connected to the AΣN VALUES as lifelong Ignatian inspired leaders.