Below are answers to the most common questions you may have about Alpha Sigma Nu. If you other questions, please contact us!
Alpha Sigma Nu is the honor society of Jesuit colleges and universities. Founded in 1915, Alpha Sigma Nu is unique among honor societies in that it honors students who not only distinguish themselves in their academic pursuits, but also in their loyalty to the values of their Jesuit education, and service to others. Inductees demonstrate an intelligent appreciation of and commitment to the ideals – intellectual, social, moral, and religious – of Jesuit higher education. Selection to Alpha Sigma Nu is one of the highest honors that can be given on a Jesuit campus.
Any student of a Jesuit college or university is eligible. Juniors, seniors and graduate students who are in the top 15% of their class academically and have a demonstrated record of service and loyalty to the Jesuit ideals of education are considered for membership. Only 5% of each class may be inducted.
- Membership is one of the highest honors at a Jesuit university
- Eligibility to apply for AΣN scholarships and Seelos Grants to fund attendance at Ignatian justice and leadership conferences
- Enhancing your experience of Jesuit education through closer connections to like-minded peers, alumni, and the Jesuit community
- Remarkable opportunities for networking with members worldwide via conferences, alumni club events, online Member Directory and the exclusive LinkedIn group
- Remarkable opportunities for networking with members worldwide via conferences, alumni club events, online Member Directory and the exclusive LinkedIn group
- Browse the full list of Benefits of Membership
- Membership is lifelong
To be an active Chapter member as a student and to continue to live the ideals of scholarship, loyalty and service as a lifelong member.
Induction fees are $70 for a lifetime membership. This provides for your certificate and official pin, plus ongoing mailings from Alpha Sigma Nu. Local chapters may also include additional fees. Please contact your Faculty Adviser if the cost of induction presents a financial hardship. There are no annual dues, however, ΑΣΝ is supported almost entirely by the annual Sustaining Fund. Consider a donation.
Yes, and they are expanding regularly. ΑΣΝ has over 90,000 members throughout the world. Alumni contact information can be found in the ΑΣΝ online Member Directory. The Alpha Sigma Nu LinkedIn group has over 4,000 members, and the ΑΣΝ Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages are great ways to connect as well. Members can be found in all major cities, in all ranges of positions, at companies and government agencies alike. A number of alumni clubs are partnering with student chapters to host Career Nights, events which connect local ΑΣΝ alumni with current students looking for their first jobs after college. This is an amazing resource!
Yes. This is a recognized and respected credential. Established in 1915, ΑΣΝ is a full member of ACHS, the Association of College Honor Societies.
Yes. The online member directory provides professional contact information, as well as a means to keep your contact and professional information current with Alpha Sigma Nu. Our members-only LinkedIn group also provides a platform for connecting with Alpha Sigma Nu alumni working across all professions in all corners of the country and internationally.