Houston area AΣN Alumni Club

Greater Houston Area: ΑΣΝ Alumni Club

The Alpha Sigma Nu Alumni Club in the Greater Houston Area welcomes Alpha Sigma Nu members from diverse Jesuit colleges and universities. It promotes the values of Scholarship, Loyalty, and Service by providing unique opportunities to connect, lead, serve, grow, and learn. 

Founded in 2021-2022, the Greater Houston Area Alpha Sigma Nu Alumni Club seeks to create opportunities for all. It has hosted local and international online events that provide new opportunities to care for the whole person, connect, and grow together as men and women for and with others.  

See some of our online events here: 

Cura Personalis in Action: Gentle Yoga: 

Cura Personalis in Action: Loving – Kindness Meditation/Mindfulness
Cura Personalis in Action: Shaking + Breathwork

Feed your Mind Session with Chris Lowney: Leadership in a VUCA world: How the “Jesuit stuff” can help


President: Andrea Cuervo Prados ( Creighton University '19)   

Virtual three-part series on Cura Personalis:  Loving-Kindness Meditation, Gentle Yoga, and Shaking+Breathwork. 

Feed your Mind Session with Chris Lowney: Leadership in a VUCA world: How the “Jesuit stuff” can help.