Alpha Sigma Nu Day 2017

Posted in: AΣN Alumni Clubs

Alpha Sigma Nu Day was proclaimed at Marquette University during the Centennial celebration of Alpha Sigma Nu on October 17, 2015.  What was a day highlighting the wonderful tradition and history of the honor society continues as an annual celebration of the honor of membership.

Members of the Jesuit honor society were chosen not only for their intellectual excellence but also for their values and focus on serving others.  For over 100 years we have been inducting the students of Jesuit higher education who most embody everything that Jesuit education sets out to create.  You are in an elite group of alumni, a worldwide network of people who share common goals of making a difference in the world.  So be proud. 

Show us your Alpha Sigma Nu pride today!  Get on social media.  Post or send a photo.  Tell us why you are proud to wear your Alpha Sigma Nu key. 

#alphasigmanuday  #jesuiteducated  #changemaker  #proud