On Fire at the Frontiers | International Conference at Creighton University
As a continuing response to Fr. Kolvenbach, SJ's, 2000 Santa Clara address, thie conference brings together all those associated with Jesuit higher education to encourage conversation about how to live out Fr. Kolvenbach's call. Attendees will engage one another in discussions and sessions to broaden the conversation on how to meet people where they are and create meaningful encounters.
On Fire at the Frontiers
August 1-4, 2013
Creighton University | Omaha, NE
Featured speakers: Rev. David Hollenbach, S.J., Sr. Margaret Farley, R.S.M, Rev. Gerry Blaszczak, S.J., Rev. Michael Garanzini, S.J., Dr. Kristin Heyer, PhD, Rev. Thomas Smolich, S.J.
To find out more and register for this year's conference, click here.