Join ASN in February for UAP Month
Throughout February, Alpha Sigma Nu will feature a different Universal Apostolic Preference each week. Follow along through the website and social media as we share information about the Preference and resources from the Society of Jesus and our Jesuit/Ignatian partners to encourage living the Preferences in your daily life.
We commit to engage in a new reflection on the key issues of our times and a rigorous intellectual study of them. In a time of fundamentalisms, we want to witness to a faith that faces emerging questions with honesty and that can debate them with sincerity and openness. Through these Preferences, we want to open ourselves to renewal. We want to strengthen our identity as a part of the Church which is a field hospital – a Church that goes out, a Church of the frontiers, a field hospital where wounds are bandaged, a Church where hearts are healed and love is once more made possible.
For a general overview of the Preferences, watch this video of Father General Sosa explaining the vision for the Society of Jesus for the next 10 years. Join us online next week as we begin the month focusing on the Preference "Showing the Way to God."